Biblical partnership...
As we continue to pursue the mandate that God has given,
there are various avenues and opportunities that you can partner with us.
First, and most important, is to pray. Come and join us at one of our prayer times during the week. If you are unable to attend, you can partner with us in your personal prayer time by praying for our region, our communities and their leadership daily.
Next, you can partner with us by plugging into one of our many community gatherings
and/or our once a month MyHOP gathering.
These are times of building community through meals, fellowship, discipleship, worship, prayer,
teachings, and sometimes just playing and hanging out.
Its all about doing life together.
Another way that you can partner with us is to give financially
in support of CPR "Community Prayer Room"
and the on going pursuit of day and night prayer, worship, intercession;
as well as missions in our community, region, country and the nations of the world.
All contributions are tax deductible.