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What is Burn 24-7?

A collision of vertical worship and the great commission. 

As a movement of the bride of Christ returning back to her first love, The Burn, is diverse in expression, non-denominational in affiliation, simple in focus, and missional in practice. Burn “furnaces” host monthly, weekly or sometimes daily sessions of unending worship, prayer and adoration; lasting anywhere from 3 hours to 100 hours nonstop of various worship and prayer teams taking shifts

as the “watchmen on the walls.”


Community wide Prayer and Worship Night with no agenda than His Presence

                                                          @ the Community Prayer Room "CPR" Tuesdays at 7pm


For more information:


Call or Text: Jeremy Bradford 828-736-5883

Find us on Facebook: Burn 24/7 Smokies

"CPR" Community Prayer Room

236 Cunningham Rd

Suite 7

Franklin, NC 28734